Krista and I just returned from a Wednesday night to Sunday morning trip to New York City. Krista had a one day meeting with Reuters that we turned into some vacation for the two of us. With Cargill paying for her plane fare and the hotel room, it was a great time to get away.
We had a great time there and managed to make it to most everything we wanted to see. On Thursday Krista was at her meeting so I just wandered around a bit by myself. Our hotel was two blocks from the United Nations so I walked over there first. It was really too impressive since the security doesnt let you get too close and the flags werent even out. I walked from there up 42nd street to Grand Central Station. The outside is covered in scaffolding for a renovation but the inside was very nice. It is a big place with lots of activity.
A couple of more blocks brought me to the New York Public Library. This also is a very impressive building with lots of marble and woodwork. The main reading room is huge.
Continuing up 42nd Street brought me to Times Square. You are sure you are in America as this place is pure capitalism and consumerism. I was there mis morning and it was very busy. We returned to Times Square three or four times and it was always full of people no matter if it was morning or late night. Krista was in her meeting at Reuters at 3 Times Square, which is a building that overlooks the one where the ball drops on New Year's Eve.
Once Krista was done we had Thursday night and all of Friday and Saturday to explore the city. I will list out some of the places we made it to:
Wall Street and the NYSE, Ground Zero, Staten Island Ferry(past the Statue of Liberty), Guggenheim, Central Park, 5th Ave shopping district, Trump Tower, Empire State Building, St.Patrick's Cathedral, and other churches too.
We rode the subway around quite a bit and walked a lot too. The Subway is easy to use once you get used to the signs, but you have to figure out which direction is which when you come back to the surface. We walked blocks sometimes thinking we were going one way when we were going the other. We made it to many of the neighborhoods in Manhatten, some by mistake.
We saw one show, Stomp, in the East Village. We never felt in danger at all and got around the city with relative ease.
I will post some pictures once I load them into the computer.