Saturday, July 09, 2005

Peru 2005

Later this month I will make my way to Lima Peru along with my wife and daughter and 200+ other people from our church. We have a sister church in Callao, Peru. I am part of a music team that will sing praise songs in Spanish. Krista and Abby are part of a children's ministry team that will do clowning, puppets, and music. There are other teams too, a student team, a medical team, prayer teams, and other folks doing many different jobs. We will be going to prisons, parks, orphanages, and other venues to share our music and to share Jesus with the people of Peru.

I have been to Lima twice before, in 1999 and 2001. It is a real joy to go and share Christ, as many respond to the message, and to support the ministry of our sister church there. I will post some pictures when I return.