Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I was recently in Stillwater Oklahoma for an agricultural show. This show focused on Kiko goats. That is my brother Thom in the blue shirt. I love travelling with Thom to these events as we always have a good time.
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Monday, August 13, 2007

This is a picture of Krista's grandmother with her six great-grandchildren. R to L is Jake, Abby, Max, Nana Lee, Zane, Gabe, and Piper. This picture was taken at the Johnson cabin in Hayward Wisconsin.
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This is Gabe and I outside of his cabin at Camp Nathanael. He stayed for about a week and had a great time . This is an all boys camp and he did swimming, campfires, cook-outs, fishing, archery and pellet guns.
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Thursday, August 02, 2007

35W bridge collapse......

The collapse of a bridge here in Minneapolis that I have used hundreds of times in my life has reminded me of how fast things can change. You can add as well the many times I have driven under that bridge on my way to lunch over by the University of Minnesota from my workplace in downtown Minneapolis.

We just never know what is going to happen. Things like this tragedy and 9-11 cause me to be more reflective of how God has blessed me and how I take so many things for granted. I hope that we all take the time to thank God for His blessings. It wouldn't hurt to tell those in your life that you love them.