Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas!

We had a couple of days of really nice Christmas celebrations around here. Christmas Eve we were at church for a nice service with some great music by the choir and orchestra at Grace. We then gathered at my mother-in-law's home in Hopkins with some family and had a nice time and a good dinner. The kids opened up some gifts and ate too much suger.

Christmas morning is just the four of us at home, opening gifts to and from each other. The kids seemed pleased with their gifts. We give each of them three gifts, a tradition we started when Abby was young, remembering the three recorded gifts that were brought to the baby Jesus that first Christmas.

After attending the lone Christmas Day service at church, we had Krista's mom, Grandma Lee, and her brother Scott at our house. We opened gifts, watched some football, some had naps and then dinner and dessert.

It was a good Christmas for my family. I thank God for his care this year. As we near the end of 2005, I am thankful for the health and prosperity we enjoy. I look forward to 2006 and all the new experiences life will bring.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Just thought I would post a couple of photos of our home and what it looks like here in Minnesota in the winter. I wanted to post these mostly for Jose Antonio and his wife Angela and kids and our other friends in Peru. Posted by Picasa

Our front steps...and yes the light pole is crooked. Posted by Picasa

Gabe's Uncle Scott told Gabe for weeks that he was going to give him dress socks for his birthday. Of course Gabe did not believe him because Scott always gives the most fun gifts. Scott wrapped up a bunch of his own socks and Gabe almost cried.......just not believing his Uncle could do such a thing. Posted by Picasa

Gabe was much happier once he found the video game he wanted under the socks. Posted by Picasa

The four of us as well as a few of the Fries kids after cutting down our Christmas tree. Posted by Picasa