Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Back from a nice weekend away

This past weekend we made our way up to Hayward Wisconsin. It has become a yearly gathering place for a bunch of extended family at the Johnson family cabin. We get included by virtue of my wife's Aunt and Uncle being part of that Johnson clan.

We got to play some golf, watch the kids play in the water, get out in the boat, and eat and drink and relax. All in all it was a nice time and we saw some relatives and got a chance to catch up.

The work on the house continues, and today the insulating crew was here. The addition is really starting to look like a room. Just before the weekend the power company buried our lines and now we have all of our power lines, cable TV lines and phone lines underground. It is great to not have these things hanging across our backyard. We are still waiting for the gable windows to arrive so the final stuff can be done.


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