Saturday, December 11, 2004

Christmas traditions

Today we put up our Christmas tree in our new room. It looks really good in there. We went out and cut it down on the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend with our friends the Fries. This is something we have done with them every year for quite some time. Putting up the tree is always a fun time because all of the memories that go with the ornaments get talked about again. The first thing to come out for us is the Christmas duck. It is this stuffed animal that quacks Christmas tunes. Abby received it as a gift from her great-grandmother Nana Lee when she was 18 months old. It has come out every year since to bring it's quackiness to our Christmas.

Abby has already had her Christmas piano recital, and she did very well. Tomorrow night is the choir program for the kids, with both Abby and Gabe involved in singing.

Bye for now, more on Christmas to come.

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