Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year!

Today is the last day of 2004 and so tomorrow brings a new year. 2004 has been a good year around our home with all four of us healthy and doing well.

In 2005 Abby will turn 11 and Gabe will turn 9 which is hard to believe. They are both becoming older faster than seems possible.

Tonight we will spend New Year's Eve with our friends the Fries, at their home in Big Lake Minnesota. We will stay overnight and make pizza, play cards, and wear out the kids so we can have some peace and quiet. It has become another of our traditions with them, along with apple orchards in the fall and Christmas tree cutting in the winter. It is really great to have such good friends, and all of our kids together make quite a group. We have the two, but they have four.

Happy New Year to everyone.

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