Sunday, August 29, 2004

Political unrest

Since the last election cycle, we have had three yard signs burned(melted in the case of plastic) and one stolen. Last year during the Senatorial election here in Minnesota, we had two Norm Coleman signs melted at night, both times while we were home sleeping. One month ago we had a sign for the Luis Palau Twin Cities Festival burned. Just a few days ago, our Bush/Cheney '04 sign was taken from our yard, leaving just the wire frame.

At first I thought it was a local kid or group of kids just making mischief. At this point I do believe it is politically motivated since the Paul Wellstone signs last time and the Kerry/Edwards signs this time have been left alone. I do wish to make it clear that I am not blaming Democrats in general.

It seems there must be one person out there that is not satisfied with supporting his/her own candidate, but feels it neccesary to try to take away my right to support the candidate of my choice. This is sad. This is a person who surely does not hold to the same democratic ideals that I do.

Lets keep it civil people.

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